Monday, December 21, 2009


Sorry, I haven’t updated this in a while. I am going to get better at it!
We actually didn’t have a ton going on in November besides Thanksgiving gatherings. Here are a couple of the highlights:
I turned the BIG 27 on 11/11. Jon and Brayden took me out to lunch. I went to the midnight showing of New Moon (2nd movie in the Twilight series). I hadn’t ever been to a midnight showing of any movie before, so it was quite the experience. I came home from work and slept from 7pm-10:30pm. I am so glad that I took a little snooze before going otherwise I would have been dragging at work on Friday. We went to my friend, Sarah’s wedding on the 21st. It was great catching up with a few of my college friends! We had Thanksgiving in Marshalltown with Jon’s family on Thanksgiving Day. Jon and I both had to work on Black Friday, so Brayden had a slumber party with Nana. We had another Thanksgiving on the Saturday after with my family.
We started off December with the Reidy/Knipp Christmas in Independence. We were able to get together with some good friends and play Pepper/Euchre.  Jon and I both had work cancelled on 12/9 due to the snowstorm. We just got back from a great weekend up in NE Iowa. Jon, Brayden, and I drove up to Decorah on Saturday. We went swimming in our hotel, ate at Mabe’s, and watched a few college bowl games. On Sunday, we went to Cresco for the Schoeberl Christmas. It was so great to see family!!!
Plans for the rest of December include a doctor’s appt on 12/23 including an ultrasound. Jon’s mom will coming down and his brother will be coming over for Christmas Eve. We will be heading up to Ogden afternoon on Christmas day through Saturday morning. New Year’s Eve, we plan to go to my friend, Lisa’s wedding!!!
And that wraps up our 2009!